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StartEconomyGitHub Regrets Firing of Jewish Employee Describing Mob Incited by Trump as...

GitHub Regrets Firing of Jewish Employee Describing Mob Incited by Trump as „Nazis“

Zoom in / A gang instigated by Trump tries to infiltrate the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC, Wednesday, January 6, 2021.

Getty Images | Bloomberg

GitHub Inc. has apologized. Yesterday about the expulsion of a Jewish employee who had urged colleagues to „stay safe“ and avoid „Nazis“ on the day when crowds incited by President Trump stormed the US Capitol. GitHub said it „reversed the decision“ and indicated that it is trying to reinstate the employee.

The employee, who has not been revealed publicly, wrote in an indoor chat room on Slack on January 6, „Stay safe, my friends, the Nazis are here.“ He was fired two days later, after a co-worker quickly criticized the employee. To use a divisive rhetoric, „Business Insider I mentioned last week.

The former employee of the Slack Group wrote to Jewish employees, “I did not know that, as a Jew, it would be extremely polarizing to say this word“ shortly before his company accounts were deactivated. ”The article stated that the former employee“ is a Jew with a family who died in the Holocaust. ”

The former employee told Business Insider that he sent the message in Slack because, „He was afraid for the people out there.“ [in DC]He also said that GitHub’s Human Resources had cited unspecified „patterns of behavior“ when he was fired, and that he was looking for more details about why he was terminating his service.

Business Insider wrote that about 200 employees signed an internal letter protesting the dismissal. As GitHub employees have repeatedly said „Nazi“ at Slack about rioters on the US Capitol, to protest against what is perceived as unfair treatment, “ According to The Verge.

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Github apologies

GitHub, owned by Microsoft Corporation, Announced yesterday He „vetoed the separation decision from the employee and communicates with his representative.“ GitHub said the decline came after it appointed an „external investigator to conduct an independent investigation.“ „The investigation revealed serious errors in judgment and procedures,“ wrote Erica Brescia, Operations Director at GitHub, and the company’s chief of human resources „held personal accountability and resigned from GitHub.“ (TechCrunch Specified This is Human Resources executive by the name of Carrie Olison.)

„To the employee, we would like to say publicly: We sincerely apologize,“ Brescia wrote.

We asked GitHub today if it managed to bring the fired employee back and / or reach a settlement with him, and we will update this article if we get an answer.

GitHub also denounced the mob, saying, „Last week it was horrific to watch a violent crowd, including Nazis and white supremacists, attack the US Capitol.“ Although GitHub apologizes for firing the employee, the company also said that employees should be „respectful“ and „professional“ when discussing the topic and the like internally.

„Employees are free to express their concerns about Nazism, anti-Semitism, white supremacy or any other form of discrimination or harassment in internal discussions,“ GitHub said. „We expect all employees to be respectful, professional, and follow GitHub’s policies on discrimination and harassment.“

An fired employee I spoke with TechCrunch Last week before GitHub announced its decision to reverse the shooting. The man “says he is currently looking for a lawyer to ensure that his family is protected, as well as to find out if he can obtain compensation or any other form of reconciliation” and that he “is waiting to deal with the company until he has legal representation in place,” TechCrunch writes.

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The fired employee said he was also threatened with dismissal in October when he complained about the lack of diversity in GitHub leadership. „I feel this could be an opportunity for GitHub to do a real purge and say, ‚Do we want white supremacy in this company and how do we get black leaders into executive management?'“ Tell TechCrunch.

Correction: This article misidentifies the current GitHub former chief of human resources.